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Last Updated: 05/24/99[SMAC
Reference & Resources]
Auto-Updated: 05/24/99
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If you find any of these resources useful, we hope you will
share others you may have created with us, as have Charlie Barrett, Bendyguy,
BladeRunner, CaptComal, Gary Devey, Mark Dezendorf, Dave Gager, MJ Greene, Jesse, Chad
Miller, Chad Palmer, Phalanx, James Thorpe, Christopher Traben, Jon Wilson
James Thorpe sent us a very nice program. Just unzip it into your SMAC folder and run it. It will tell you what you need to research to achieve whatever goal you might have! (SMAC Research Assistant - Zipped) NEW
NEW 2/26/99 2nd Version
Keyboard Overlay - Zipped (Word 97
& Rich Text Format) by CaptComal
(prints on two sheets - one for each half of the keyboard)
(Version Two is improved based on suggestions received)
Chiron Computer (Enhanced Tech Tree) - Zipped (Access97) by Jon Wilson
(based on CaptComal & Chad Miller DB but vastly enhanced)
You simply have to see the front end Jon put on this
database - it is gorgeous!
Factions & Society Models - Zipped (Access2.0
or Access97 with no negative query) by Charlie
Barrett Update 1/28/99 (data corrected in
Access97 version)
(An example of how this DB was used is on our No Negative
Effects page)
Tech Tree (rev2) - Zipped (Access95) by CaptComal
Tech Tree enhanced - Zipped (Access97) modified by
Chad Miller
Tech Tree PDF - Zipped by Chad Miller
This is a Microsoft Access 95/97 database of all the Technologies including pointers to their prerequisites as well as pointers to technologies allowed after them. Each Technology was given a 3-4 character ID which was used for the pointers. The ID is the first letter of the category (D for Discover), the level number (1-16), the sublevel number (a, b or c). The sublevel number was used merely to get a unique ID, since with just the category and level there were serveral duplicates! Examples:
B7a is Adv Ecological
E2b is Ethical Calculus
UPDATED! The database now includes queries that give the full names of each Prerequisite Tech and each newly allowed Tech. Special thanks to M J Greene for his SQL code to pull up the Tech names!
Chad Miller sent in a PDF file (prints on 3 pages) showing all the Techs by level with arrows connecting each with their predesessors! Very nice!
NEW - Blade Runner has shared a program that will read the ALPHA.TXT file and extract the Techs (along with their prerequisites). This will work with modified ALPHA.TXT files. It creates a new text file called ALPHALIST.TXT with the results. (Zipped EXE file)
by CaptComal
Facilities Cards (39 cards)
Factions Cards (9 cards)
Secret Projects Cards (33 cards)
Society Effects Cards (12 cards)
Society Models Cards (18 cards)
Technologies Cards (78 cards)
Terraforming Cards (18 cards)
Unit Armor Cards (12 cards)
Unit Chassis Cards (9 cards)
Unit Reactor Cards (6 cards)
Unit Special Abilities Cards (24 cards)
Unit Weapons & Modules Cards (21 cards)
Note: see help notes at the end of this webpage.
I created a handmade box of customized index cards for all the previous versions of Civilization. Each wonder, improvement and unit had its own card with the cost, prerequisites, benefits and other stats. I started making a new set of index cards by hand for SMAC and after about 25 cards it occurred to me that I could just as easily type them up and post them on the web for others to use as well. After one week of pretty solid work, they are good enough for release (more to come ... and hopefully you can help me improve the ones out there now!)
Of course you can browse the cards online (279 cards already) using the arrows in the top left corner of each page ... however I designed each page so that you could print it out (on a color printer if possible) and easily create your own set of Index Cards! Just fold the paper in half lengthwise and glue the two sides together (for front and back sides, plus it makes it more like an index card than a flimsy sheet of paper). Then just cut the three cards out from the sheet! More detailed instructions are at the end of this webpage.
The back side is mostly blank so you can write your own hints there. However ... if you have hints for any card, I hope you will share it with us (I can type up the hints people submit ... maybe by the time SMAC is released we can have an interesting set of cards!)
NOTE: Different Browsers print the cards differently (unfortunately). Netscape seems to work best at first blush. The cards are coded to have a specific height for each cell, and now even include a "trick" to hopefully force the browser to print them out in the correct 3 inch tall format!
NOTE: Mark Dezendorf has sent in a sample PDF file (Zipped) of the three Faction Pages of Index Cards. Let me know if there is an interest in getting a PDF version of the cards posted.
I am working on some charts, but welcome yours! See SUBMIT below. Here are the ones I have now:
Benefits Chart (Word97 & Rich Text
Format both Zipped) by Phalanx (Nathan Lovell)
Hotkeys Chart (Word97 & Rich Text Format both Zipped) by CaptComal
Secret Projects (sorted by prerequisite level) Rich Text - Zipped
Technologies (sorted by level) Rich
Text - Zipped
Tech Tree (Word97 Zipped) by
Nathan Lovel (Phalanx)
Tech Tree (Word97 Zipped)
by CaptComal
Tech Tree (Word97 Zipped)
by Dave Gager
(a more graphic style - may need to adjust page margins)
Tech Tree (PDF file zipped)
by Jesse (based on Chad Palmer/CaptComal work) NEW
Factions & Society Model Choice GRID
Nathan Lovell (Phalanx) submitted a very well done Tech Tree - Zipped as a Word Document. It is a very interesting document! Just hold your cursor over one of the TECHs in the chart and a box pops up with info on what new things are available once you have gained that tech!
Christopher Traber is working on a Terrain Analysis (zipped) Excel Spreadsheet and has
shared his initial version with us.
NEW rev 3 - Gary Devey has an Excel
Spreadsheet file with multiple worksheets in it ... all about Social Engineering (zipped)! This now takes into
account the HIVE Efficiency immunity (never a value below 0). There are 8 worksheets in
all - one for each faction and one general worksheet.
(Warning - it uses fixed locations so moving cells around
might make it a mess!)
Tech Tree (spreadsheet zipped) by
Jesse (based on Chad Palmer/CaptComal work) NEW
Join the members only ICQ List at Reliable Alpha Centauri Players site (totally free).
Finding the right people for a challenging game of SMAC may be hard ... but there is a place to help arrange games in the Reliable Alpha Centauri Players site!
If you have created any helpful SMAC aids ... I hope you will consider sharing them with others. Spreadsheets, databases, documents, charts and lists are needed ... especially a Tech Tree Chart! It is easy to submit them ... just send them as an attachment to CaptComal@hotmail.com or via the Reliable Alpha Centauri Players site forum (I believe attachments are accepted on that forum) or even to CaptComal's ICQ (listed in the ICQ list on the Reliable Alpha Centauri Players site as well).
To make 3 index cards from the Index Card pages:
Yes, now you can challenge CaptComal to a multiplayer game ... just keep the map tiny or small and settings at NO CLOCK. Contact by ICQ using the number published in the Reliable Alpha Centauri Players site or EMail to CaptComal@hotmail.com
If you find any errors please report them to
CaptComal@hotmail.com so
they can be corrected. Thanks.
[Official Alpha Centauri Site]
[Image/Sound Effect] from Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri. Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri copyright 1998 Firaxis Games, Inc. All rights reserved. Used by permission. Remainder of this site is copyright ©1998 & 1999, Alpha Centauri Heaven. All rights reserved.