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Last Updated: 03/22/99[SMAC
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We have set up a special Members Only website that will be a perfect match with the current Alpha Centauri Heaven website. It has an ICQ LIST and a section to ANNOUNCE GAMES. The site is called:
Reliable Alpha Centauri Players
(I already am a member ... Jump to Reliable Alpha Centauri Players site)
In order to be accepted as a member of that site you must agree to abide by three simple rules:
1) No Cheating
2) No Disconnecting during a game
3) Show respect and consideration for fellow members
You cannot get into that site unless you are a member. And since all members are following the three basic rules, you should feel confident in discussing the game as well as playing games against them (send an EMail to CaptComal@hotmail.com if you find any members not abiding by these rules).
For a limited time, anyone interested in the Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri game who agrees to abide by our three simple rules may join. Use this secret PASSCODE:
You also have to register with DELPHI ... but there is absolutely no cost involved in that, and they ask only a bare minimum of information (and always keep in mind that surveys have shown that over 40% of people registering online lie). Also remember that the LAST THREE THINGS they ask you are entirely optional and you can just ignore those questions. Here are the items DELPHI asks you to fill out (the Email Address has to be valid or you won't get in ... the other information is up to you!):
- Firstname
- Lastname
- Email Address
- Membername
- Password
- Zip Code (or 00000 if outside the USA)
They also ask three other things that you can just leave blank:
- Birth Year
- Occupation
- Gender
TIP: If you are joining based on an EMail Invitation (rather then using the secret PASSCODE) you must register using the SAME EMail address that you received the invitation under or you won't get into the Reliable Alpha Centauri Players area! If you wish to register under a different EMail address (many of us have two or more EMail addresses), just let CaptComal@hotmail.com know what address to invite you under (or use the secret PASSCODE ... see above)!
Once you have joined DELPHI, you will have what they call "MY DELPHI". On that page, click GENERAL PREFERENCES and you can set the Nickname that appears on the Member Lists and in any messages you post (nickname and membername are two different things).
TIP: Delphi uses cookies to remember which forums are your favorites, and which messages you have already read. This makes it very easy for you to find your favorite forums and you won't have to wade through all the messages each time ... you only see the new ones (there are, however, links at the bottom that allow you to see all messages among many other options). If you turned off cookies in your browser, these things will not work.
If you were invited to join the Reliable Alpha Centauri Players site, you can get in anytime after you have registered with DELPHI. If you want to join the Reliable Alpha Centauri Players site (and agree to the three rules), just use the secret PASSCODE listed above (or you can send an EMail to CaptComal@hotmail.com requesting to be a member ... and I will send you an Invitation (that is how Delphi set it up)).
Once you are a member, you can use the link below to get into the site. Or, you can use the link right now to join Delphi and check out how nice they have things set up. Then send me an EMail requesting membership (or use the secret PASSCODE) after you are signed up for Delphi.
Reliable Alpha Centauri Players Members Only Site
Visitors since October 1, 1998:
Yes, now you can challenge CaptComal to a multiplayer game ... just keep the map tiny or small and settings at NO CLOCK. Contact by ICQ using the number published in the Reliable Alpha Centauri Players site or EMail to CaptComal@hotmail.com
If you find any errors please report them to
CaptComal@hotmail.com so
they can be corrected. Thanks.
[Official Alpha Centauri Site]
[Image/Sound Effect] from Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri. Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri copyright 1998 Firaxis Games, Inc. All rights reserved. Used by permission. Remainder of this site is copyright ©1998 & 1999, Alpha Centauri Heaven. All rights reserved.