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First, some good KALI servers:
Central USA
(good for central location):
Colois #238 (Denver)
FullNet Inc #269 (Jasper Indiana)
Interlog's Kali #683 (Toronto)
Kali Oklahoma #289
MSEN #35 (Troy Michigan)
East Coast:
HyperWorx #522 (NE USA)
IOC #339 (Piedmont, North Carolina)
Road Runner Alb #409 (Albany NewYork)
West Coast:
Casagrande #347 (Arizona)
IslandNet #3 (Victoria)
HiNet #217 (Taiwan)
Kali Brazil #176 (Brasilia)
Kali HKSupernet #260 (Hong Kong)
Kali Swiss #243 (Zurich)
OGN's Kali Serv #583 (Australia)
PING E.V. #559 (Germany)
KALI is a stable gaming system that has been around for years. It costs just $20 for a lifetime (no other fees ever) and lets you play virtually any multiplayer game over the internet using the games built in LAN (Local Area Network) game option. KALI tricks the computer into thinking that the internet connection is really just a big LAN. I have had TWO Kali accounts (one for each of my PCs) for nearly two years and am satisfied with how they are continually trying to improve their service. But now for what you wanted to hear:
Alpha Centauri should run great on KALI.
Yes, with no special configurations ... using all the default Kali settings, Alpha Centauri should work on Kali (the Kali network will hopefully also add it as an official Kali game to include it in the Lauch menu). When the Alpha Centauri DEMO is released, if it includes LAN based multiplayer mode, we should try it out on Kali!
Some Fundamental Info on KALI:
For those who like to just figure it out yourselves, playing Alpha Centauri on Kali will be simple.
That is all there should be to it ... except for this easy setup to put Alpha Centauri on your Kali Game bar (you only need to do the following steps ONCE ... to get the icon mentioned in step 4 of the process mentioned above):
Nitty Gritty Info about Kali
You can change your settings at any time from Kali by clicking on FILE in the menu bar then click on SETTINGS.
You can adjust the many "window panes" in the KALI main window by holding your mouse over one of the dividing line "bars" and clicking/dragging it the way you want it. NOTE: there is a quick way to shrink both the LEFT and RIGHT side panes with the small arrow button in the top left corner of that window pane. Click on the button again to restore the window pane to the way it used to be. Nice!
To get a list of commands you can use, just type:
Example, to start up a new chat channel (not many use this in my experience) named #AC type:
/join #AC
If you are just hanging out waiting for someone to come to play Alpha Centauri, issue this command:
/away MSG me if you want to play Alpha Centauri
You also can left click on a players name to highlight their nickname ... then right click on that players nickname to get a pop up menu of commands for that person (make sure to left click once first). Use the OPEN PRIVATE WINDOW to send them a private message. Or type this command:
/msg NickName ready for an Alpha Centauri game?
Make sure you have SOUNDS set for Private Message so that you get an AUDIBLE ALERT when someone DOES send you a private messge!
1) In KALI, click on FILES in the menu bar
2) Click on SETTINGS
3) Click on the SOUNDS tab
4) In the SOUND HOOKS list highlight PRIVATE MSG
5) Click on CHANGE button
6) Navigate the directory listings to find a SOUND.WAV file that you want to use for
your notification. If you don't have sounds you can use a sound file in your Windows\Media subdirectory
(such as Tada.wav). Double click the file you want to use.
7) Click PLAY button to see
if you like the sound.
8) Click OK button to
accept all your changes.
How do I find where SMAC games are on KALI?
Once you click on the AC game icon in Kali's bottom game bar, Alpha Centauri will be running. However, Kali still keeps track of you. To see a list of what everyone on the current server is doing, type the command:
# Nickname Serial Process Time Ping Loss
- -------- ------ ------- ---- ---- ----
1 captcomal 094888
In the sample display above, you can see that captcomal is playing Terran (we are not sure what its EXE name will be yet) on the current server.
If you want a list of every Kali Server that has an Alpha Centauri game either being played or open for new players, type this command:
/process terran
Servers that have players running terran...
Qty# Server Name Server#
---- ----------- -------
The sample display above shows that Alpha Centauri would be playing only on one server (Flashnet) and there are two people playing Alpha Centauri on that server (once again, we are not sure what the EXE name will be and used terran for the example).
How do I find someone I know on KALI?
This is easy ... and best shown with an example. If you want to find where "Tagar" is, type:
/whois tagar
Kali will display information about Tagar including where he currently is (or where he was last seen). For example:
Nickname : Tagar
serial# : 114298
Realname : Zorro
email : tagar114@usa.net
other :
lastseen : Server://#683
Interlog's Kali (Tue Aug 11 00:41:33 1998)
process : Kali95
Where can I get Kali?
You can download it and try it out for FREE! The only restriction (and it is a major one) is that it will disconnect you after 15 minutes. You can relogon to Kali again as much as you want, but you won't like this as a permanent playing method! However ... it is an excellent way to try it to see if it works for you. Once you know it works, pay them the $20 ... it is a one time only fee ... and you are a lifetime Kali player! Use the following button to connect to the download page on http://www.kali.net
Read the Kali Getting Started FAQ.
Try the common Kali questions regarding Windows 95 FAQ.
Questions about Kali go to info@kali.net
Look at the Kali Support web page.
What do I do on Kali?
I have found Several Good Kali Servers and have listed them at the TOP of this page! To connect to a server, just find it in the Servers list in the top left window pane and double click on it. To make it easy to do this automatically for you in the future, change your server settings like this:
If you have several servers that you frequent use the same procedure listed above after connecting to each one, but in step 4 click on ADD AS PREFERRED.
Visitors since October 15, 1998:
Yes, now you can challenge CaptComal to a multiplayer game ... just keep the map tiny or small and settings at NO CLOCK. Contact by ICQ using the number published in the Reliable Alpha Centauri Players site or EMail to CaptComal@hotmail.com
If you find any errors please report them to
CaptComal@hotmail.com so
they can be corrected. Thanks.
[Official Alpha Centauri Site]
[Image/Sound Effect] from Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri. Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri copyright 1998 Firaxis Games, Inc. All rights reserved. Used by permission. Remainder of this site is copyright ©1998 & 1999, Alpha Centauri Heaven. All rights reserved.